Upcoming Events

11:00 am Omega Men for Homeless Men First...
Omega Men for Homeless Men First...
Dec 16 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Please come out and join OMEGA MEN FOR HOMELESS MEN as we UPLIFT our brothers who are less fortunate and fallen on hard times. It’s but for the grace of GOD that we are not homeless or destitute so let US take part in doing what WE can do to help another brother! We meet on the first Monday of every month at the The Father McKenna Center is located at 19 Eye Street NW in Washington, DC. The closest METRO stop is Union Station. From Union Station walk one block west to North Capitol Street and then past H Street until you see the Gonzaga High School football field on your left. Just past the football field, you can enter the Father McKenna Center toward the back of the building. Parking at the Father McKenna Center is quite limited on Monday. There is street parking available and campus parking under the Gonzaga football field. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!!!

Featured Programs

The Brothers of Alpha Omega Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated welcome your interest.  Chartered in 1922 in Washington, District of Columbia, Alpha Omega Chapter and its over 325 members remain ever-committed to our Fraternity’s international program of service, responsible citizenry, and community uplift. “Friendship is Essential to the Soul” is our Fraternity Motto, which serves to nurture the Omega Spirit. MANHOOD, SCHOLARSHIP, PERSEVERANCE, and UPLIFT are our Cardinal Principles, which together with our Fraternity Motto provide a framework for consecrated usefulness that has guided Alpha Omega for over 100 years and all Omega men since 1911.

Featured News

Coleman Love 5K 2024

Brothers, The Ladies of Delta Sigma Theta, Washington DC Alumnae Chapter have cordially invited the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, Alpha Omega Chapter to participate in the Coleman... read more →

Centennial  Celebration Highlights

AQ Brother Highlights – Ken Edelin

Check out scenes from the 64th Annual Mardi Gras Ball

Omega Psi Phi Area Chapters present the 2024 Talent Hunt Showcase

Lest We Forget …